8 AI-Proof Online Business Ideas For 2023 – Seize The Moment!

While concerns about AI disrupting various industries persist, it is essential to recognize the numerous opportunities that arise from adapting to these changes. The nine AI-proof online business ideas discussed in this article offer promising avenues for aspiring entrepreneurs in 2023.

In today’s dynamic and fast-paced world, building an online business has become an increasingly attractive option for individuals looking to substitute their income or job. While the startup world offers the potential for high returns, it also comes with high risks. However, there are numerous AI-proof online business ideas that provide a promising avenue for success. In this article, I will delve into eight straightforward yet impactful ideas for aspiring entrepreneurs in 2023. Additionally, I will unveil a surprising ninth opportunity that has emerged as a direct result of advancements in AI:

1. eCommerce

eCommerce remains an exceptional opportunity in the online business landscape. The key lies in identifying under-served categories within untapped markets. By focusing on niche markets or unique products, entrepreneurs can carve out a profitable niche and cater to specific customer demands.

2. Agency Services

Securing retainers with multiple clients can transform your business into a viable and sustainable venture. Remarkably, achieving this milestone is possible within a year by consistently acquiring 1-2 new clients each month. Offering specialized agency services, such as digital marketing, branding, or content creation, can help you establish a reliable income stream.

3. Micro SaaS

As artificial intelligence continues to create more content and software, there is an increasing demand for solutions that connect these resources. While the era of Unicorn SaaS might be evolving, Micro SaaS presents a promising opportunity. Developing a small, niche software product or plugin with a modest monthly subscription fee can attract a dedicated user base and yield consistent revenue.

4. 1:1 Coaching & Courses

The past few years have witnessed a surge in online learning, with a ready-made customer base eager to invest in self-improvement and up-skilling. As economic uncertainty persists, the demand for coaching and online courses continues to rise. Capitalize on your expertise by offering personalized coaching or creating valuable educational courses to meet this growing demand.

5. Specialized Professional Services

The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic prompted many individuals to make significant life changes, such as relocating, starting businesses, or planning inheritances. However, several crucial services in these domains are still not easily accessible online. By providing specialized professional services, such as immigration assistance, business consulting, or estate planning, you can tap into a burgeoning market of individuals seeking guidance and support.

6. Foods

While this idea overlaps with eCommerce, it deserves a separate mention due to its distinct potential. The recent trend towards organic whole foods and specific diets has created a booming direct-to-consumer (D2C) market. If you can source, produce, package, or distribute organic or specialty food products, you can leverage the growing demand for healthy and sustainable food options.

7. Lead Generation

As SEO and other acquisition channels become more competitive, building an audience or generating leads for businesses has never been more valuable. Launching a podcast, starting a blog, or creating engaging social media content can help you cultivate a loyal following. By offering lead generation services, you can connect businesses with their target audience and establish yourself as a trusted intermediary.

8. Recruiter Services

The rise of remote work has created a need for top talent in companies while providing workers with newfound flexibility. As a recruiter, you can bridge the gap between talent and businesses, tapping into the booming market of remote work. By understanding the unique requirements of remote positions and building a network of skilled professionals, you can offer invaluable services to both employers and job seekers.

And here’s the surprise 9th:

9. Prompts!!

Prompts are textual or verbal cues provided to an AI model to generate specific outputs or responses. Prompts for AI have emerged as an exciting new business opportunity in the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence. There are job openings with ability to promptly write prompts (no pun intended) as a required skill. With the increasing adoption of AI across industries, the demand for prompt-based AI solutions presents a promising avenue for entrepreneurs to explore and capitalize upon.

Prompts can be packaged and sold as downloadable ebooks, providing users with a comprehensive collection of thought-provoking prompts for various purposes, such as creative writing or brainstorming. Alternatively, a subscription service offering a “prompt of the day” can keep users engaged and inspired on a regular basis, providing fresh ideas to fuel their creativity. Additionally, an on-demand prompt service can cater to the specific needs of individuals or businesses, offering prompt customization and quick access to tailored prompts for immediate use in various AI applications.


While concerns about AI disrupting various industries persist, it is essential to recognize the numerous opportunities that arise from adapting to these changes. The nine AI-proof online business ideas discussed in this article offer promising avenues for aspiring entrepreneurs in 2023.



Digital Marketer. Digital Marketing & Online Business Expert

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