4 Reasons Why WordPress Is The King Of Online Marketing.  

Used by a majority of websites and online businesses, we explore what makes WordPress the ultimate tool for online marketing.

There is an unwritten rule in digital marketing that everyone eventually uses WordPress.

Simply look at all the startups and businesses who are consistently generating leads with a WordPress website. Take a note of the websites you visit yourself. You will find that the vast majority of popular websites are built on WordPress. The vast majority of websites are, in fact, built on WordPress.

WordPress in 2021 had more than 65% of the global CMS market share. This number was at 59% in 2019. As more people launch websites during the COVID-19 crisis, this trend has accelerated.  It also continues to grow faster than the rest of the platforms. In 2020, more WordPress websites were created than all other platforms combined.

WordPress CMS marketshare annual CAGR

As this platform that recently turned 18, keeps its dominant alive, we explore what makes it the ultimate tool for online business, startups, digital marketers and hustlers.

Here are the 4 reasons that make WordPress is still the ultimate CMS for online marketing:

1. Open and extensive ecosystem

WordPress is free Open Source software, which gives anyone the freedom to contribute to it, modify it or extend its functionality. This has led to the platform growing exponentially since its inception.

Number of WordPress Plugins
Over 55,000 Plugins available inside the WordPress plugin store.

There are more than 55,000 WordPress plugins available for download in 2019, and this number continues to grow with the needs of this ever growing market.

The software is well understood and tested by its very large community. Security issues are fixed quickly and it ends up costing a tiny fraction compared to custom solutions and proprietary systems. The best part? Installing a WordPress plugin is so easy, you actually need to be careful – it is fairly common for new WordPress website admins to install too many WordPress plugins.

2. Simply has the best tools for marketing

WordPress benefits from its incredible network effect.

Everyone likes to support WordPress since most other websites use WordPress.  Since a lot of online businesses use WordPress, the latest and greatest marketing techniques and tools get invented for WordPress first. Most major providers of marketing tools, CRM and other SAAS products, support WordPress. A vast majority of SAAS companies themselves chooses WordPress for their landing pages.

A great example of innovation coming to WordPress first, was when Google first made page speed an important SEO factor. An entire generation of startups were launched that offered page speed, CSS & JS optimizations plugins and techniques for WordPress. It took months – sometimes years for competition to catch up, and they are still not close.

Unexpected changes are exactly what defines the internet and online business. The rules of online marketing change every day. Big tech companies constantly upgrade their algorithms and rules. Only those who adapt can survive. The single biggest advantage WordPress has, is that it has already survived several such shocks. There are plenty of stakeholders in the ecosystem who are committed and are invested in the platform, to ensure its smooth functioning.

The number of marking integrations, plugins & companies that exist for WordPress, are simply unmatched. SEO, email marketing, online ads, lead capture, retargeting, analytics, CRM integration – think of the problem and there is a plugin for it. And almost always, more than a few to choose from.

3. Easy to build, customize and update

What fueled WordPress’s growth in marketing circles, was how easy it made it for non-technical team members to manage their website, and update it on a regular basis. This is critical for lean entrepreneurs, startups and online business, who have the need to regularly update their websites, post new content, run new campaigns and test new offerings.

WordPress Easy to Edit With Elementor
Incredibly Powerful Page Builder Elementor for WordPress

Over the years, WordPress has only gotten even easier to use. With modern page builders like Elementor, and WordPress’s own Gutenberg editor, it is possible to build just about anything on WordPress, including fairly complex applications. Ultimately, WordPress is open source software and it comes with complete access to all the code, which you can endlessly edit and customize.

But isn’t WordPress more complex than easy online website builders? Yes. However, the trade-off is that you lose all customization options and flexibility, which are needed to grow an online business.

Businesses change their marketing strategies every few months. New businesses have to constantly experiment and test new offerings, and new lead generation channels.  With WordPress you can build a business iteratively, in small steps. The flexibility of WordPress allows a lot of experimentation. This is critical for early stage businesses, until they find traction, sustainable revenue or product-market-fit. This philosophy often resonates with early stage startup founders who are still building their marketing funnels.

What makes WordPress great for iterative testing, is that once setup, even the more non-technical digital marketers find it easy to manage, edit, and update. The more technical marketers and team members are often able to learn and push the boundaries of WordPress, within a few weeks of familiarity. And all this is without any code. With a basic understanding of HTML, CSS and Javascript, one can go very far with WordPress. With WordPress, you can add complex changes to your landing pages, ordering systems or website, without relying on your engineering team.

4. Easy to Scale

WordPress scales, and it is great at it. Stories of multi-million dollar WordPress businesses are everywhere. Massive businesses use WordPress for all their online marketing and commerce. If you are using WordPress for eCommerce, it has a proven track record that it can scale to millions of orders.

One of the biggest challenges in scaling online businesses, is hiring and finding the right talent. There are thousands of WordPress experts, developers and designers all over the world. It is easier to hire a team for WordPress than any other web framework.

WordPress has a proven track record and some of the smartest brains on the planet are working on improving its ability to scale. With such a massive and dedicated user base, security issues and vulnerabilities are almost immediately reported. There is an ecosystem of Vendors who sell WordPress services of all flavors. With WordPress you are never locked in with one company or provider.

So these were the 4 Reasons why we believe WordPress continues to be the CMS platform of choice for digital marketers.


Thank you for reading. Let us know what you think of this article, by leaving a comment below.


Digital Marketer. Digital Marketing & Online Business Expert

1 thought on “4 Reasons Why WordPress Is The King Of Online Marketing.  ”

  1. This is very true & underrated. I get client requests every week asking me to migrate them to WordPress for better SEO & marketing capabilities.

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