FAQs about searching, managing and registering domain names with Hustly.
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How do I search for domain names on Hustly?
Please use our free to use Domain Name Generator to search for domain names. Our domain name generator will let you add, mix, combine and modify words to generate unique and creative domain names.
Which TLDs are available for registration?
We offer over 350 popular TLDs for registration. These include popular TLDs such as .com, .net, .org, .info, .me, as well as modern TLDs such as .ai, .app, .tech, .academy, .website and many others. For a full list of available TLDs, please see the TLD section in our domain search tool.
How do I register a domain name with Hustly?
Once you generate names with our Domain Name Generator, you will see a “Buy” button next to your domain name results. Simply click on the button, and follow the directions to complete the domain registration. In order to complete the domain registration, you will be required to create a Hustly account. You will also be asked for personal information such as your name and address. You will also be asked to make an upfront payment towards your domain registration request, by connection an appropriate payment method.
How do I manage nameservers and DNS records of my domain with Hustly?
Once you login to the Hustly WordPress Management App with your Hustly account, you will be able to manage your domain’s nameservers and DNS records in a few clicks. You will have the option to either choose your own nameservers, or simply use our in-build domain management system.